Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Since I started this blog ministry in September, I have been blessed so much by the many devoted men and women I have met (virtually anyway).  People committed to God, to marriage, to offering hope to a broken world.  One of those people I am growing closer to is a woman named Sherry, who manages with her husband (and I believe one other couple) a site called Intentionally Yours.  The subtitle on this website is "Until every home is a godly home" and I just love that.  What a great goal to have for a marriage ministry!

There are always great articles, full of hope and encouragement.  Sherry and her husband also run a Facebook page called Intentionally Standing.  It is through this page that I find my heart torn and longing for God to restore other marriages, as he has my own.  I pray for the men and women and leave comments on that Facebook page, and I hurt with them.  Some have been waiting for years for their "prodigals" to return home.  Some are still standing, even though their spouses have since divorced them and remarried.  It's painful to read, but I make myself, because I know that God has called me to pray for these couples.  And for the hearts of those who are living the way that I used to live.

All that said, through this process, I have had the honor of guest posting on Intentionally Yours three times now.  I count it a blessing to be a part of what Sherry and the others are doing through their own ministry and am grateful that God has given me an opportunity to share my thoughts there.  Here are the posts over there, in case you missed them:

Hope Does

Forgotten Valentine

Forgotten Valentine Part 2


  1. Jamie, you are such a blessing to us at Intentionally Yours and to our readers. We're excited about how God is encouraging husbands and wives through IY and Loving When it Hurts. We're so glad to be in the battle with you for marriage!

    1. Thanks! I'm blessed to be a part of any ministry honoring Him through marriage, am humbled by what God has done to heal and restore my own heart & marriage.
